Elementary Registration

Once you are settled in Acton or Boxborough and are ready to pre-register your children for school, follow these steps:
  1. Gather your required documents (listed on the right).
  2. Register to create an online account and upload the required documents. 
  3. Contact the registrar upon completion of the online pre-registration to set up a meeting.
If you can't upload the documents during pre-registration or have questions, please contact the registrar.

In Acton-Boxborough, elementary-aged students (Kindergarten through 6th Grade) are assigned to one of its six elementary schools through a system known as “Open Enrollment.”  In this system, geography does not determine school assignment. Learn more about the Elementary Open Enrollment process here.

AB District Central Office
c/o Elementary Registrar
15 Charter Road
Acton, Massachusetts 01720

Phone: 978-264-4700 x 19201
Fax: 978-264-3331
Email: [email protected]

Required Documentation

These documents are required as a part of the pre-registration process.

  • Proof of Residency Affidavit
  • Proof of Residency—One item from each column on the affidavit: A, B and C. (If you are unable to provide an item from column B because you just moved, you can follow up later.)
  • Declaracion jurada de residencia en espanol
  • Declaracao de residencia em portugues
  • Student birth certificate, which must be translated into English 
  • Medical Records from your family doctor including:
    • All medical records, both physical and immunization records, are the responsibility of the parent to be translated into English by a medical professional.
    • School Health Record Form: A copy of your child's last complete physical examination, which must be translated into English by parent
    • Certification of Immunizations (For translated immunization requirements: follow this link.)
  • A copy of the last IEP (Individual Education Plan) if applicable

More Resources

Our AB Resource Center (highlighted in video above) provides numerous  

Visit the Community Education website for before/after school care!  

Even though MA now has universal free school meals, you can still fill out an application to qualify for other state benefits!  Check out the 
Food Services webpage.  
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