Bus Behavior Expectations


Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner while riding the bus, and during loading and unloading procedures. The bus driver shall be in complete charge of the bus and its passengers at all times, and shall ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students who ride the school buses.  Please note: all of our school buses are monitored by video surveillance.

Students shall observe the safety procedures below.

Riding the Bus

  1. To ensure your safety while riding an ABRSD bus, we expect you to: 

  2. Follow the driver’s instructions at all times.

  3. Remain in your seat, facing forward, at all times.

  4. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Keep all body parts, voice, and objects inside the bus at all times.

  5. Use a quiet voice to speak to others sitting in a seat near you.   

  6. Use school-appropriate language.

  7. No food, snacks and drinks on the bus at anytime. 

  8. Open the windows only when the driver has indicated it is safe to do so. 

  9. Ride only your assigned bus to and from your assigned stops.

Getting On or Off the Bus

Parents will be responsible for their students’ behavior while at the bus stop.  

To ensure your safety while getting on or off the bus, we expect you to: 

  1. Line up single file to board the bus. 

  2. Wait until the bus has stopped completely and the driver signals (thumbs up) it is safe before approaching the bus.  Walk to the bus.  If you need to cross in front of the bus please walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus so the driver can see you at all times.

  3. Find an appropriate vacant seat quickly and sit down. 

  4. Sit where you are assigned.  Elementary students shall be seated by grade with K students in the front of the bus with 6th grade students in the rear.

  5. Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop to exit.  Leave your seat quickly and quietly, and wait patiently until it is your turn to get off the bus. 

  6. Use only the front exit of the bus.  Exit the bus using the emergency door at the rear of the bus only in the event of an emergency.

  7. Walk away from, not alongside the bus once you have gotten off of it.

  8. Cross in front of the bus, at least 10 feet in front so that you and the driver can see each other.  Look both ways and to the driver for the “Thumbs Up” before crossing the street for your own safety.

Students must also follow these guidelines:

  1. Students may not light matches, smoke, vape, or consume alcohol on the bus per state law. 

  2. Liability for any bus vandalism shall be assumed by the parents of the student(s) involved.

  3. Objects which may create a hazard on the bus will not be permitted such as sharp objects, animals, or excessively large items which cannot be transported safely, or which cause an inconvenience to other passengers due to insufficient seating space. The Transportation Office reserves the right to make this determination.

Students will be given the opportunity to express their views to their building administrator prior to any disciplinary action being taken as a result of a formal complaint from a bus driver.
Students will be transported to their designated destination until such time that disciplinary action is taken. Drivers cannot make arbitrary decisions to discharge a student at a location other than the student’s authorized destination.

Bus drivers have been instructed to prepare formal reports in the event of student misconduct on the bus. The following procedure will be followed after the report has been received by the building Principal:

First Offense — Principal speaks to the student and a first notice is sent home to parents.  In addition, the Principal will speak with the parent and/or send notice home explaining the situation and the potential consequences of a subsequent offense.  In serious incidents, the Principal may elect to suspend bus privileges.
Second Offense — Principal speaks to student and a second notice is sent home. In serious incidents, the Principal may elect to suspend bus privileges.
Subsequent Offenses — Principal speaks to student and parents regarding suspension of bus privileges.
Violation of State Laws — (i.e., smoking, lighting matches, etc.) will result in a one (1) week suspension of bus privileges.

The Principal will determine the time of suspension of bus privileges in all cases, based on the seriousness of the offense. In the case of an offense where a one-week suspension is required, he or she may decide to increase the length of the suspension.

Acton-Boxborough Regional School Committee Policy JICC-R (Also EEAEC-R) - REVISED August 2018

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