The Acton-Boxborough Regional School District (ABRSD) is a comprehensive PreK-12 school system serving the communities of Acton and Boxborough, located about 20 miles northwest of Boston. The Acton-Boxborough mission is to develop engaged, well-balanced learners through collaborative caring relationships. The Acton and Boxborough communities strongly support excellence in public education and are truly dedicated to instilling a passion for learning in our students. The district prioritizes students’ social and emotional well-being while supporting students to excel academically and through extensive and diverse extra-curricular opportunities. Serving 5,200 students, the district is comprised of nine schools including the Carol Huebner early childhood program, six elementary schools, one junior high school, and one high school. The towns of Acton and Boxborough are deliberate choices for residents and educators seeking the best educational opportunities.

Peter Light
Superintendent of Schools
Peter Light joined Acton-Boxborough as the Superintendent of Schools in July of 2018. Peter works closely with the Acton-Boxborough Regional School Committee and leads work with the district’s senior leadership team that includes the school principals and district leaders. Some of Peter’s primary responsibilities include the development and implementation of the District’s Strategy for Improvement as well as the development of the District’s annual operating and capital budgets.
Contact Peter Light: [email protected]

Andrew Shen
Deputy Superintendent
As Deputy Superintendent, Andrew Shen oversees the operational dimensions of the district including policies, procedures, personnel and operational planning. This includes the Human Resources Department and the recruitment, hiring, and evaluation of all staff. Mr. Shen also oversees the enrollment and placement of students, the kindergarten lottery, and implementation of District policies. For more information, please view the Human Resources section of the website. Mr. Shen can be reached by email. Prior to this role, Mr. Shen was the Principal of RJ Grey for nine years, and the Director of Special Projects for the District.
Contact Andrew Shen: [email protected]

Gabrielle Abrams
Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning
Serving as the Assistant Superintendent for Teaching and Learning, Gabrielle oversees and guides the district's instructional programs and initiatives. This includes supporting educators’ delivery and understanding of the standards through collaborative long-range and short-range planning, learning of content, reflection on practice, assessment, and implementation of instructional practices. Gabrielle is also responsible for professional learning, including the Beginning Teachers Support Program and research and development, entitlement and competitive grants, and homeschooling.
Contact Gabrielle Abrams: [email protected]

Sheri Matthews
Director of Finance and Operations
Overseeing the Finance and Operations departments, Sheri Matthews and her team are responsible for the management of the financial processes of the school system, including budget, payroll, purchasing, accounts payable, grants, gifts, and the collection of fees.
Contact Sheri Matthews:
Mary Emmons
Interim Director of Special Education
The district offers a continuum of specialized services for students with disabilities for students in preschool through age 22 during the school year and in our extended school year programming. The district provides special education and related services including speech/language therapy, Physical and Occupational therapy, psychology and counseling services, orientation and mobility services, vision services, deaf and hard of hearing services, Board Certified Behavioral Analyst (BCBA) consultation, and assistive technology.
Contact Mary Emmons: [email protected]

Jen Faber
Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Jennifer joined Acton-Boxborough in July 2022. Jennifer is a longtime Massachusetts public school educator. She recently completed her 7th year as the Principal of the Woodland Elementary School in Weston where she has consistently worked towards creating a learning environment utilizing a holistic approach to educating students. Using her native language of Spanish, she previously served as the Assistant Principal at the Barbieri School, a two-way bilingual elementary school in Framingham.
Contact Jen Faber:

Amy Bisiewicz
Director of Educational Technology
Since joining AB in 2010, Amy has focused on integrating new technologies to boost student engagement and enhance learning. A graduate of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, she is dedicated to helping students, educators, and families build healthy relationships with digital devices, social media, and gaming, always advocating for a balanced and thoughtful approach to technology use.
Contact Amy Bisiewicz: [email protected]

Dan Mazur
Assistant Director of Special Education
Daniel Mazur joined A-B as the Assistant Director of Special Education in July of 2023. He previously served as the middle school special education team chair and extended school year coordinator in Hopkinton for 7 years. Prior to these roles, he taught students with severe special needs for 17 years. Mr. Mazur received his M.S. in Ed through Simmons College, a certification in applied behavioral analysis (BCBA) through Northeastern University, and a license as a special education administrator through Boston University.
Contact Dan Mazur: [email protected]

Maryann Young
Coordinator of Multilingual Education
Maryann became the Coordinator of Multilingual Education in the fall of 2022, after serving as an English Language Development teacher and Department Chair since 2017. In her new role, Maryann oversees the ABRSD Multlingual Education Department which provides educational programming for multilingual students with the goal of developing English language proficiency while learning content area knowledge. In alignment with district goals, Maryann works to ensure equitable access for all families.

Heather Stouch
Coordinator of Social Emotional Learning and Mental and Behavioral Health
Heather began at ABRSD in 2013 as an elementary school psychologist. She joined the leadership team in the Fall 2022. In her role as the Coordinator of Social Emotional Learning and Mental and Behavioral Health, she will work with colleagues to identify a comprehensive vision and shared understanding of social-emotional and behavioral learning that is coordinated across the district and in alignment with ABRSD’s mission and core values. The long term goal of this work is to establish a collaborative structure in which social-emotional and behavioral learning are authentically integrated across all aspects of the school community and are embedded into academic and equity initiatives across the K-12 continuum. Heather also continues to serve as the department head for elementary school psychologists.

Erin Bettez
Director of Community Education
Under the direction of Erin Bettez, Acton-Boxborough Community Education program provides an array of classes, programs, and unique opportunities to learn something new about the community, our world, and/or ourselves. This impressive organization is a wonderful part of our district team and extends the richness that our school system provides to the greater community. The district encourages members of the public to explore all of the great programs included in each season's Interaction catalog. For more information about AB Community Ed, click here.
Email Erin Bettez: [email protected]

Julie LaLumiere
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and School Committee
As the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and the Acton-Boxborough Regional School Committee, Julie strives to support our mission to prepare all students to attain their full potential as life-long learners, critical thinkers, and productive citizens of our diverse community and global society. Julie LaLumiere can be reached at: [email protected]